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数千英国人不敢去上班:买不起香皂 新冠长期后遗症逐渐显露

作者:admin  来源:网络 发布:2023-05-09 10:45:04 网址:http://www.guazhitianqi.com/redian/22065.html  评论:0  收藏
The spiralling cost of living is leaving many people unable to afford essential hygiene products,


making them feel too ashamed to leave the house and see people, according to research by the charity Hygiene Bank.


A report carried out by the organisation suggests as many as 3.2 million adults in the UK are affected by hygiene poverty,


struggling to afford even the most basic essentials including toothpaste, shower gel, deodorant and sanitary products.


A quarter of participants said they had gone without toilet paper, soap or shower gel, while three in ten women did not buy period products.


Over one tenth (12%) of workers surveyed admitted to avoiding facing colleagues because of the overwhelming shame.


Data from the Office for National Statistics shows the price of shampoo has increased by 8% in the last year alone, while shower gel is up by 11%.


The report also found that those experiencing hygiene poverty were most likely to go without laundry detergent and household cleaning items.


Three in five (62%) of those experiencing hygiene poverty said they have to choose between buying products for themselves or their children.


The data in the report comes from surveys carried out between October 2021 and February 2022, before the recent surge in the cost of living.


This suggests hygiene poverty is likely to be even worse now.


上一篇:300余位老人被强盛公司骗2300万 欺诈被判赔超7千万
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